Empowering womxn in ocean science

Coming from a previously disadvantaged university with limited resources, I never thought that I’d be studying marine biogeochemistry- at a leading academic institution. All I knew was that I wanted to succeed in science and get a quality education in a field that could become my career.

That’s not something most women like me, or most women in general, aspire to do. There is a well-known and much discussed lack of womxn in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) altogether.

Less than 30% of the world's researchers are women, says UNESCO. This can be partially attributed to challenges including stresses on work-life balance, little access to funding and lack of mentorship and support, according to the NRF.

The importance of having role models – ones that look like you and come from a similar background as you – can’t be stressed enough. These are the womxn that hold the lantern for younger generations, leading them and inspiring to follow in their footsteps.

Sadly, these types of role models are underrepresented in ocean science here in South Africa and globally. This makes the idea of studying the ocean seem far-fetched and impossible. It’s important to change that not just for fighting the gender imbalance in STEM, but for understanding the future of our oceans.


Leading womxn

“I want to give womxn the voice and skills to choose STEM and to take-up the many opportunities it brings them.”

My research investigates how the cycling of nitrogen influences the productivity of phytoplankton in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System. Phytoplankton are microscopic plants play an important part in ocean life and in regulating ocean ecosystems. What makes my study special is that it’s being done on the west coast of South Africa – one of the four most productive upwelling systems in the world. 

This region is unique because it is influenced by currents of different temperatures, including the warm Agulhas current on the east coast and cold Benguela current on the west coast. It also experiences ‘upwelling’ where cold, nutrient rich water from the bottom of the ocean moves towards the surface displacing the warmer, low-nutrient surface waters. Upwelling supports the productivity of phytoplankton, which are a food source for fish, marine mammals and birds.

A healthy upwelling system comes with socio-economic benefits for South Africa such as food security, employment, conservation of biodiversity and environmental sustainability. The fisheries sector, for example, is estimated to be worth R6 billion per year.

My research may be used to predict the intensity and frequency of upwelling events. The data could even be used to verify marine biogeochemistry used in satellite observations. And considering the global implications of climate change, it can help us better understand how future changes in ocean conditions impact food security and how we can respond to climate change in the Benguela Upwelling System.

I am proud to be doing work that could make a difference. But it was only possible because I was driven to seek opportunities that would empower me. Ocean Womxn played a huge role in that it made the journey easier.

By empowering black womxn and womxn of colour, the programme contributes to equality and diversity in oceanography and ocean sciences. Not only does this help build mentors that can inspire other women to join the sciences, but it helps change the field of ocean science altogether. After all a nation with diverse researchers brings different perspectives and innovative solutions that are relevant to all its people.

Programmes such as Ocean Womxn lay the foundation needed for more underrepresented women to partake in peer-review studies, become lead scientists and head up departments without feeling like they don’t belong. Ocean Womxn is giving womxn the confidence to believe that they have a place in these fields and that they can thrive.

As an Ocean Womxn, I hope to be a leader too. Not just in my research, but as a role model who empowers womxn to excel in fields where we are a minority. I want to give them the voice and skills to choose STEM and to take-up the many opportunities it brings them.

Because I believe that where women are cheerleaders in each other’s successes, and do so confidently and boldly, they empower communities and break barriers.

laura owings