Apply for Ocean Womxn.

Applications for 2021 are now being accepted. Deadline is 31 August 2020.

Ocean Womxn fellowships are available for talented black womxn to join the Department of Oceanography at UCT. These highly prestigious awards are given to candidates that meet specific requirements.

Application requirements

Please consider applying for Ocean Womxn if you meet the below criteria:

  • Holder of a BSc (honours) or four-year undergraduate equivalent degree

  • Black* African womxn


  • Transgender**

  • Preference will be given to South African candidates

* Black in this case means Black African or Coloured. We recognise that these categories are problematic and socially constructed, but they are being used here in order to identify historically disadvantaged groups, specifically those that have been excluded from oceanography and atmospheric sciences in the past and remain underrepresented.

** Trans/transgender is used as an umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Being trans does not imply any specific sexual orientation (an inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction to other people). [Definition courtesy of]

Additional requirements

All applicants should be passionate about scientific research, curious about the environment, hard-working, and able to work independently and in a team.

Previous experience in oceanography or atmospheric sciences is not required; however, a background in science or maths is strongly preferred.

The primary criteria for selection of fellows will be academic excellence and demonstration of leadership potential.

Documents needed to apply

All applicants will be asked to supply the following documents:

·       Academic transcripts for all previous degrees

·      A short academic/professional CV

·       A motivation letter (no longer than one page) explaining why you want to enter this programme, and a brief description of your research interests.

·       Copy of ID

·       Contact information for three references. References will only be asked for letters of recommendation if you are short-listed.

In addition to these requirements, please note that selected applicants will also be interviewed.

Applications that do not comply with the above requirements will not be considered.

Note to applicants

Research opportunities are available in numerical modelling, ocean observations, and marine and atmosphere biogeochemistry.

Applicants should indicate their area of interest in their letter of motivation and are strongly encouraged to reach out to a potential M.Sc. or Ph.D. supervisor in advance. That information can be found online here.

Currently enrolled UCT Oceanography M.Sc. and Ph.D. students are eligible for a modified version of the fellowship and should submit a full application for consideration.

How to apply

If you meet all of the above criteria, we welcome your application.

Please submit the required documents listed above via email to Dr Katye Altieri at